SGPI22: Conference on Italy’s psychedelics-related scene

Stati Generali della Psichedelia in Italia (SGPI22) is a multidisciplinary event promoted by Psy*Co*Re (Multidisciplinary Italian Network for PSYchedelic and COnsciousness REsearch), in partnership with CCCT (Contemporary Culture Center of Turin) and IPS (Italian Psychedelic Society). It will be held in Turin, on Friday and Saturday 16 & 17 December 2022 (with some livestreaming at and will address research, studies and other issues related to psychedelics and altered states of consciousness in Italy.

Now in its fourth edition, SGPI22 main goal is to further deepen these topics, particularly in light of the renovated interest of the scientific community and its focus on therapeutic applications of psychedelics. Along with speakers and presentations from and about the National scene, aimed both at experts and at the general public, we plan to strengthen a loose network including various individuals and entities pursuing different approaches to psychedelic substance, their socio-cultural effects and, more in general, to the “science of consciousness”. This multi-faceted scenario is in tune with the current international debate and will be further addressed by some foreign guests.

The main topic of SGPI22 will be to CREATE BRIDGES in order to expand and reinforce a global PSYCHEDELIC MATURITY (last year’s main topic) which requires all of us to fully re-examine our eco-social system in terms of COGNITIVE FREEDOM and of a renewed awareness and a greater sensitivity.

The “open call” for proposals and participation to SGPI22 is currently underway at this webpage. For further information please check our website (our send us an email).


Psy*Co* Re was founded in May 2019 to bring together those individual, groups and entities variously involved with psychedelics and “altered states of consciousness” in Italy, regardless of their approach or viewpoints. Our main goal is to develop and share an open, inclusive, and comprehensive perspective on these topics, while pay attention to people wellbeing and ethical behavior, and to create working projects and exchanges with the international scene. For more information, please check our Founding Manifesto.


Rete Psy*CoRe* 

[versione italiana]